Lauren’s Professional Summary

As the Founder and President of Spark Coaching Studio, Lauren supports CEO/Founders, Chief People Officers and their leadership teams as an Executive Coach. Lauren also provides group coaching, experiential based facilitation, EQ assessments, key stakeholder interviews and 360 feedback assessments in support of developing leadership capabilities, improving team performance and creating cultures that are aligned. 

Lauren brings 15 years of ‘real world’ leadership expertise as a former Executive Team member and Vice President of Human Resources where she spearheaded a multi-year award winning cultural transformation as “Best Places to Work”. Through this experience, Lauren developed a proven methodology and pragmatic approach for culture transformation and extends this expertise to Executive Teams seeking cultural shifts. 

Lauren earned a bachelor’s in science in Psychology, is certified as a Human Resources Professional (SHRM-CP). She holds a PCC certification in Executive Coaching and a Certified NeuroTransformational Coach (CNTC). She is certified in EQi 2.0, the only validated Emotional Intelligence assessment by the American Psychological Association and is trained in the Immunity to Change model.